National Security Band will be shooting LIVE footage for their song, "Twelve Below" on Saturday August 18th at The Odeon Concert Club in Cleveland, OH. Additionally, they will encourage and accept video footage from this event emailed from your cell phone to edit into the final video. Video submissions must be emailed directly to the band!
The band would like you to stand out to ensure you are featured in this video. Video clips can be as short as 4 seconds with no maximum length. Please make sure to send all of your contact and social media info so we can tag you for the video appropriately if you like. Lastly, admission into the venue is $10 and need to be purchased on the band's paypal link to qualify for your submission:
Where: The Odeon Concert Club (1295 Old River Rd, Cleveland) When: Saturday August 18th around 7:30 (doors open at 6:00) Who: Anyone who ever wanted to be in a rock video. Looking for people who can stand out.